1. Download the PRICEPhysics GUI zip file to your computer. To download the zip, please visit our website and log into your account by visiting My Account and selecting downloads on the left list once logged in. Download the BeaconPFFB-PRICEPhysicsGUI and do not unzip it.

2. Open NinjaTrader and from the Control Center go to Tools → Import → NinjaScript Add-on.

Add NinjaScript Addon

3. Browse to and select the ZIP file you downloaded (BeaconPFFB-******.zip).

4. Right-click a chart you would like to add the PRICEPhysics GUI to and then select Indicators. (NinjaTrader 8 shortcut CTRL + I)

Add Indicator

5. Open the Beacon folder in the indicators list to open the folder.

6. Select the PRICEPhysics GUI in the “Available” box and click add (You can also double-click the GUI in the “Available” box to add). Once you have added the GUI, click “OK”.

Add Beacon Indicator